The Green Team
at The Atholl Palace Hotel
Introducing a more sustainable approach to green environmental issues in a business as complex as the Atholl Palace was always going to require a team effort rather than one individual being asked to take responsibility. Caring for the environment is everyone’s responsibility. All our team members including our Energy Officer/General Manager, Graeme Strachan are volunteers and the team meets monthly to review the work in progress and to discuss new initiatives. Being part of the Green Tourism Business Scheme is a great help in focusing on the important issues. The following practices help to ensure that we work together to become a sustainable hotel:
Directors Involvement
Our directors are fully supportive and involved in making the Atholl Palace an environmentally friendly hotel. Monthly walk-rounds are held when they challenge and question the way we do things, resulting in fresh ideas being brought forward.
Staff Training and Awareness
The Green Team is constantly active in staff training and environmental awareness. We aim to educate and train all staff, to engage and empower them to create change and to introduce an element of fun.
We are very aware that to have a successful green awareness throughout the hotel all staff must feel that they are part of the process and have a full part to play.
We hope this will stimulate all staff to come up with exciting ideas and initiatives for hotel recycling, green tourism and other new environmental measures and then assist in the implementation process.